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Peter Feidelberg & Meredith Ewart: Quite a Birthday


MeredithPeterPeter Feidelberg, 34, and Meredith Ewart, 29, had a romance that began in a corporate office in Montreal. They took their vows in a civil ceremony at the Municipal Building in Manhattan.

And more than a year after that, they held the reception back home in Quebec, at a country inn where friends and family danced and toasted their happiness under bright sunny skies.

"They really loved each other," said Robert Ewart, Ms. Ewart's father. "I never heard them fight, never heard them bicker."

Both worked at Aon Corporation, on the 104th floor of 2 World Trade Center. Their long-planned wedding party finally took place on Aug. 11 at an inn a few miles from Otterburn Park, Ms. Ewart's hometown, where about 90 guests gathered. The weather, so hot and sticky most of August, became clear and mild for the occasion.

"He was just a prince of a fellow, and we just loved him," Ms. Ewart's father said of Mr. Feidelberg. "At the end I went over, and I said, `I love you, Mer,' and she said, `I love you, Dad.' "

Mr. Feidelberg, an avid skier and bicyclist, had recently returned from a trip to Germany, where he hiked in the mountains with his father. "I was fortunate to travel with him," said his father, Michael. "It's a very big loss."

Ms. Ewart was born on June 25, 1972, her father's 33rd birthday, and they always celebrated together, with two cakes: orange for him, chocolate for her. But last year, she and her husband bought a house in Hoboken, N.J., and could not make it to Montreal for the big day.

As they went for a walk that evening, Mr. Feidelberg told her he regretted that he had never formally proposed to her. "So he got down on his knees and said, `Meredith, will you marry me?' " Mr. Ewart said, "And he gave her this gorgeous diamond engagement ring. Needless to say, she accepted the proposal, and the birthday present."


From "Profiles in Grief" of The New York Times  

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