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ANDREW FISHER: A Love of Laughter


AndrewAndrew Fisher was driving his family to Kennedy International Airport in August when he noticed that his newly wed sister, Maria, was still carrying her bouquet. He pulled over to the curb, opened the door, and made everyone get out. Then, as angry drivers honked, he gleefully snapped pictures of the bride tossing her bouquet.

"It was very funny," said Christina Fisher, the sister who caught the bouquet. "My brother was kind of a big kid. He always had a need for laughter and was very playful. That was the side of him that I miss most."

Mr. Fisher, 42, a sales manager for Imagine Software, was attending a seminar at Cantor Fitzgerald on the day the World Trade Center was attacked. A veteran traveler, he had lived in Amsterdam; Sydney, Australia; and Edmonton, Alberta; before settling into the East Side of Manhattan. He swam laps every morning and competed in races, but never talked about how he did. When his family unpacked his gym bag, they found a third-place medal buried under goggles and swimming trunks.


From "Profiles in Grief" of The New York Times  

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