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JACK D'AMBROSI: Hooking the Big One


"Fishing, fishing, fishing."

That was what Karen D'Ambrosi said her husband, Jack, liked to do most when he wasn't at work, or helping out at church, or coaching one of his two daughters in soccer or basketball. Luckily, he had a friend with a lake on his property a few miles away from the couple's Woodcliff Lake, N.J., home, so almost every weekend, from April to October, he would cast a line. His best catch came this past summer, a beautiful 32- pound striped bass. ("Or was it 32 inches?" Karen wondered. "I don't know. It was big.") She even has a picture of him with it.

"He would come back from fishing trips loaded with bags and bags of fish and fish fillets," she remembered, laughing, "And he would just give it away, up and down our street. So everywhere we'd go, all over town, there would be people thanking him for the fish, you know, saying, `We just had a barbecue, Jack, it was great.'"


From "Profiles in Grief" of The New York Times  

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