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VINCENT G. DANZ: 'A Special Breed'


VincentVincent G. Danz was a member of the New York Police Department's Emergency Service Unit's third squad in the Bronx. The elite unit's officers are experts in areas like psychology, rappelling, scuba diving, first aid and marksmanship. Officer Danz liked the excitement and challenge of the E.S.U.

Officer Danz, of Farmingdale, N.Y., was also a husband, and a father of three daughters, including an 8-month-old. With the two older girls, he liked to watch "SpongeBob SquarePants," a Nickelodeon cartoon.

"He was a special breed," Felix Danz said of his brother, who at 38 was the youngest of nine children. "I'd always ask him if he had any good jobs lately. He'd say, `Yeah, I had this subway "pin job," ' where some poor soul was taken out by the subway, or even worse, still alive.

"The E.S.U. guys are the ones who go on the tracks, find some way to lift up the train and get those people out," Mr. Danz continued. "He wasn't boastful. He wasn't one of those guys with the swelled chest at the bar. He loved his work and the guys that he worked with. They would die for one another. I think that goes globally for the N.Y.P.D. My brother and his partner went into the trade center without any questions. They knew what to do and how to do it. Unfortunately, this thing was bigger than either of them."


From "Profiles in Grief" of The New York Times  

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