
I N   M E M O R I A M   O N L I N E   N E T W O R K



Edgar H. Emery Jr.: A Runner for All Seasons


EdgarCold and snow were never enough to keep Edgar H. Emery Jr. from going running. "He'd come back with icicles in his hair," said his wife, Elizabeth.

Mr. Emery, who worked at Fiduciary Trust, organized co-workers to run in charity races, recalled Kevin Granville, a longtime friend and colleague.

"He pulled me into these 5-K runs," Mr. Granville said -- and often Mr. Emery would take off, leaving Mr. Granville behind. "Only the last couple of races we ran, I guess Ed didn't have anything to prove," he said. "He'd stay back with me, make sure I was doing O.K., not having a heart attack."

Mr. Emery would run after work, so that he and his wife somehow frequently ended up eating late, candlelit dinners. It was a routine he stuck to even while studying for several months for the test to be a certified financial planner, which he passed a few months ago. "He never even got a chance to see the certificate," Mrs. Emery said.


From "Profiles in Grief" of The New York Times  

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