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JOHN R. FISHER: Guiding Force From Below


JohnIt looked like the flight deck of the starship Enterprise. The operations control center in the World Trade Center basement was hooked up to every surveillance camera and intercom in the twin towers. Only 15 people were authorized to enter. John R. Fisher, a Port Authority security consultant, was one of them.

As debris from the first plane to hit the towers rained down, Mr. Fisher, 46, rushed to the bunker. He refused to leave so long as he could guide people out of the buildings. "John probably saved quite a few lives," said his friend and co-worker Ed Bonny.

Anyone who worked with Mr. Fisher knew he was obsessed with details and hated running into anything unexpected. But his personal life was different. "If there was an ostrich, alligator or anything unusual on the menu, you just knew that's what John would order," said Gail, his former wife. On a vacation to Costa Rica a few years ago, he swung through a rainforest canopy on a steel cable and climbed up the side of an active volcano.

His sister Catherine Chiola said the compass of his heart always pointed to his seven children in Beachwood, N.J. Two years ago he took all seven, then aged 4 to 14, to Disney World. He treated them royally, escorting them to every ride, hauling onto his shoulders any who were tired. He kept up that performance the whole week, losing none of them, nor the slightest bit of his patience.


From "Profiles in Grief" of The New York Times  

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