Hot, very hot day in May
2019, in vacation, at my friend's house near the swimming
Mr. Lincoln rose, at left, is legendary for its exquisite
Jiggly-Wiggly kitten that I hold may be in need of a
In the winter of 2021 (February ) in front of my residence
t o K a l m a n ' s
2005, ... , 2008, 2009, 2010 |
.My very dear mother known
in Romania only as Klim's mother! |
. |
Special Links to my Biggest and Dearest Fan: |
(See some pictures on her 85th Birthday) |
NOTE: In America, I am known
only by my first name Kalman and not, as in Romania, by my middle name
As such, all emails are being addressed to Kalman rather than to Klim.
FROM: Bruce Coy, American
Born, Doctoral Physical Therapy
Medical Student I have been reading
the Great Escape. Kalman you
have a knack for detail, it is
very intense and interesting.
Maybe you should think about
publishing it in some other
form? Anyway it is more than a
sitting's worth, and now I can
place some of the stories you
told me. FROM:
site If you dont mind,
we will add a link to our
website. FROM:
site Very interesting
site! FROM:
London/Singapore Interesting stuff
you have. You should submit it
to Yahoo! and
rec.travel-library. FROM: Cristian
Tudose, a 10 year "transplant"
from Romania into Finland Impressive story!!!
It brings me back memories of my
own 1990 escape ... FROM:
Jeroen van Marle of
Netherlands Great story! Have
you been back to Romania since
then? Why don't you put any of
your own photos online? I'll add
it to the list of Romanian links
at www.inyourpocket.com as well
as on my homepage. FROM:
Pete Baumgartner of
Radio Free Europe Thanks for your
very interesting story. I will
pass it on to some Romanian
colleagues of mine. I have just
a couple of questions, as your
story ends in the 1970s, if you
will forgive my curiosity. Where
do you work now? Were your
parents ever able to come and
visit you in the States? Have
you been back to Romania since
you left it? Thanks for sharing
your personal story and creating
a fascinating website. Best regards, FROM:
Estey Manning,
American Born Housewife Your story was very
enjoyable reading --very close
to the version you told to me in
Cambridge at a coffee shop so
many years ago! Good work! Are
you working on the next
chapters? Bring your fans up to
date with your latest
adventures. All is well with me
--no adventures to speak of! My best regards, FROM:
Prof. Bryan Caplan,
Department of Economics, George
Mason University, USA Wow! I missed an
hour of work to read every word.
Wonderful. All of my Romanian
relatives-through-marriage will
hear about this! FROM:
Theodor Tauber,
Petah-Tikva Israel --a 30 year
"transplant" from Romania to
Israel Bravo! I could not
took my eyes from my computer
reading your stunning story! I
was deeply moved and I believe
that it brought tear to my eyes
... FROM:
Bob Schadler, USA Just had a chance
to read your story and found it
charming, gripping, harrowing,
heart-warming, hilarious and
important. I assume you won't
mind that I'll recommend it to
our e-mail list. You might be
interested in knowing more about
our organization: Victims of
Communism Memorial Foundation. It's chartered by
Congress to raise private
resources to build a
memorial/museum in Washington to
tell the story of the 100
million killed by communism
regimes and those not killed but
still victims in the hope that
such regimes will not recur in
the 21st century. Thank you for
putting your story for the rest
of the world to benefit from
it.! FROM:
Janet Mertz-Hill, born
in Chicago, USA Kalman, thank you for
sharing it! hope you are
still doing well!! FROM:
Angele Yanor, TV
Producer, Canada Fascinating.
Whatever happened with the
Pittsburgh family that was so
kind to you? Did you repay them?
Did you ever see the daughter
again? Did you marry? What were
the repercussions to your
family? What were the Romanian
police called at that time? I have a lot of
questions because I'm naturally
curios as a TV producer. I'm 29,
and live in Vancouver, Canada. Cheers/Angele FROM:
Kathleen Andersen,
Assistant Director of Media
Relations of HIAS, New York, NY,
USA I am writing on
behalf of HIAS, the Hebrew
Immigrant Aid Society. This year, we are
celebrating our 120th
anniversary, and we are working
on many commemmorative projects.
One is a book of personal
immigration stories written by
people HIAS has assisted. We saw
the story of your escape from
Romania at your website, and
were wondering if you would be
interested in submitting the
story of your escape and life to
be considered for the book. Thank you very much
[for your reply]! We are honored
to be able to use your story. With best wishes, Kathleen Andersen FROM:
Teo Paduraru, "Best
Computers", Bucharest, Romania I'm a 29 years old
Romanian who lives in Bucharest.
You have a special gift telling
stories as I hit the Contiune
button dozens of times, going
forward into your narration,
almost breathless. Don't you think
that "we", the readers, deserve
a following of how are you in
this millenium? I'll be surely
glad to read it! Your admirer, Teo FROM:
Nancy A. Cygan, a
native of Chicago, USA WOW, Thanks
so much for your story of escape
from Romania. It was well
written and I found myself
sitting beside you through all
the highs and lows. It is
an especially poignant story for
me at this time as I have a
friend who is trying to find his
way out of Romania and into the
USA to pursue his chosen
profession. I am very
glad that Chicago gave you such
a warm welcome and that you came
to call her home. You see,
I am a native Chicagoan and am
proud that we have such a
wonderfully diverse
population. It helps to
make the world that much smaller
since I can reach out into my
own neighborhood and find people
like you. Thank you,
Nancy. FROM:
Lora Lyda, 16, born in
Edison Thomaz, 25,
born in Brazil, I checked your web
site and read about your escape
to the west and it was truly
amazing. A great story, a great
read. These days, we kind of
take for granted everything that
we have, our freedom, and forget
the types of hardships that a
lot of people, including you,
had to go through. Talk to you later, Edison FROM:
Vlady Zeiger, 51, born in
Romania, living in US since 1981 Hello Kalman, I read with
fascination your story and I
could not think of anything
else... I was able continuously
to place myself in your shoes as
I was able to understand
completely what you felt
throughout your entire journey.
From time to time I
continue to revisit your story
since from yesterday this is the
only thing that I am thinking
about. Your story affected me
very much. Maybe this is why I
am so taken and my writing is so
dispersed. Please excuse me. Wishing you all the
happiness and good health. Vladi . FROM:
Daniela Shewfelt, 28, a
4-year "transplant" from Romania
to Canada I read breathlessly
your immigration story to
America and I think that it is
truly amazing with lots of humor
and twists. Your hot dog story
is something else and I may be
using it for my class. I cannot tell you
how much I have enjoyed reading
your story. Your style of
writing in English is extremely
captivating. Have you written
other books? Wishing you well
and lots of health. Daniela FROM:
Horton, born in the USA Thank you for
sharing this story. Being a U.S.
citizen by birth as many U.S.
citizen, tend to forget what a
great country the United States
really is - which is a shame. I stumbled upon
your story searching for things
having to do with Romania -
since my "wife-to-be" is
Romanian and still living in
Bucharest. This story helps
greatly as to how she is feeling
and what some of her fears might
be coming to live in her new
country - America (August 2002). I would think that
this would make a very good
movie and would be of interest
to screenwriters in Hollywood.
Have you had such an offer to
make your story into a movie?
You will have to keep me updated
on whether there is thoughts on
making your story into a movie.
Many thanks. Best Regards -
James P. Donovan, born in the USA I read your story
and I could not stop until I had
finished. Thank you for sharing
it with us. I worked in
California for a few years with
a friend who was born in Romania
and he told me his story at
least part of it. What I
remember the most is that it
took him 5 years to leave. Some
of his family had already left
and was here in America. I
worked with a Russian also in
the same place and he escaped
Russia in a boat but his son was
killed during the escape. You
had more courage than I think I
ever had but of course I was
born here. I was lucky. I am now
disabled but I worked as an
Electrical Engineer. Thank you for
sharing the newpaper story with
us also. I just wanted to say
thank you and I am happy that
you are a part of this great
country. Pat Donovan FROM:
Shelly Palmer Bugar,
born in the USA and married with a
Romanian! I just read with
great interest your story on the
Internet about coming to
America. It was truly
engaging and never once did I
want to "skip ahead." Upon
finishing, the burning question
in my mind was, "how is your
dear mother?" Well, after
navigating your site, I was
truly happy to see her smiling
face during recent birthday
celebrations! Her support
of you, despite the seperation,
was truly heartfelt. And
it's clear from the pictures
that you are a good son! Thank you so much
for sharing such a wonderful
story for others to enjoy.
I was born here in America,
but it's stories like yours that
never allow me to take that, and
the freedoms I enjoy, for
granted. Kind regards, Shelly Palmer Bugar PS. By the way, my
husband too defected from
Romania in 1986. He was 26
years old at the time.
I recounted to him your
story, leg for leg, and I could
tell he was intrigued. He
particularly laughed at the
train ride into Graz with the
gypsies! Too funny!
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: May 2000
DATED: July 2000
DATED: July 2000
DATED: July 2000
DATED: January
janet - what the dew is to
the flower, gentle words
are to the soul
DATED: January
DATED: April-May
Thank you so much for adding the
link to our site! That is very
kind of you.
Hi Kalman,
I just fininshed reading
your entire site (it took me 2 and
a half hours!! :)!!) I
enjoyed it very much......mostly
about your time in Romania.
God has burdened me for the
country of Romania and I love the
people there. Last year when
I was 15 I visited there for the
first time on a mission trip and I
fell in love with the country just
like you did my country.
When you were escaping
Romania......those officials were
angels sent from God to protect
you and lead you safely
here. I thank you for the
time and energy you spent in
making this site!
graduate student at MIT Media Lab
in Cambridge, Mass. USA
DATED: August
Hi, Kalman
DATED: November
[Liberal translation from
DATED: November
translation from Romanian]Dear
DATED: December
Kalman --
DATED: January
DATED: September
Dear Sir,
Lana M. Ewing, USA Someone emailed me a
copy of your "ode to Americans"
and I wanted to verify when this
was written. While researching I
found your website and your great
escape story. I was compelled to
keep reading and did not make it
to bed until very late. What an
interesting saga and so thankful
that you were able to write about
your experiences and successes. Like the others that
have left messages, it would be
nice to hear how you are doing,
and your family. Perhaps I have
not delved far enough into the
Cornel Nistorescu story to find my
answers. God truly had a
mission for you, and we are happy
that you found Chicago as a
roosting place. I love to travel, my
husband is retired U S Air Force
and we were able to do a lot of it
while he was in the military. We
continue to do so whenever we can
escape for a few days (never long
enough). Just returned from a
cruise to Alaska and our waiter
was from Romania. Perhaps his
friendliness and good work ethic
attracted me to your story too,
who knows? But like the others,
thank you for sharing. I hope your
family is well. Your mother's
pictures are delightful and I do
hope you still have her with you.
Glad too, that your sister is in
the States and you can be "near"
one another. Sincerely, Lana M. Ewing FROM:
Titel Gurau, born in
Romania and living now in Canada Kalman, It is with great
pleasure and interest that I read
your story. Through it I re-lived
my own experience of some 26
years ago when I left
Romania. Not only the
trepidations of the days prior to
the departure, but also the highs
and lows of the first days, weeks
and months of my new life in
transit and then in
Canada. Other than to
express my admiration and
gratitude for your
sharing the story, and for
its captivating style, I am also
writing to let you know
that I knew
Prof. Constantin Dramba, he
was a distant relative of
mine. He took me to the
Observatory in Bucharest one night
(in 1971) and I left that place
with the desire to become an
astronomer. Well, I didn't
... I went to Polytechnica
and, shortly after graduating in
1980, I ended up here! Best regards, Titel FROM:
Nancy Bowman, born in
the USA Sir, Your escape story and
your entry into the United States
of America is the story of so many
Americans. Yet, it is the story of
one country, under God,
indivisible.......this is what the
great movies are made of. Does
anyone have Steven Spielburg's
address? In this country, we
need you. We need to be reminded
how we escaped the Communist ties,
and how, if we the people are not
careful, we could be enamored with
communist ideas. We need your
story. A true story. One that
reminds all of us why we are
Americans and citizens of the USA. Thank You. Thank you.
Consider speaking of a book or
Script for movie. All of us need
inspiration. Nancy Bowman, FROM:
Liyun Shi, MD, PhD,
from China, Fellow Researcher at
Mass General Hospital, Boston Hi Kalman, I was captivated by
your story so much that I just
can't stop reading it to write
back to you. I can feel the same
awkwardness when I stepped on this
country the first day, to talk to
other people with my very poor
English. And even now sometimes I
have to employ the "ah-uh" routine
in the conservation. I love the story of
hotdog, it's so funny. I just can't express
how much I enjoyed reading your
story, I really think that is a
great and fascinating story with
lots of humors and tears. FROM:
Pseudonym "Cora
Lee" (real name unknown), Born in
Romania and emigrated to Canada with
husband and daughter. Hi, It is with great
pleasure that I write this message
to you, after reading your
extraordinary story about the
Escape from Romania. I also
checked your website and the Fan
Club, and I noticed that the
messages posted there are from
2005. I do hope that this address
is still valid,and that you still
check messages here. Congratulations on
your story and on your captivating
way of writing it. Even if the
year of your escape was very close
to the year of my birth in
Romania, I am sure you know from
your family and friends who
continued to live in Romania that
after 1969 many worse years of
communism were to come. I spent my
teenage years and my youth in the
1980's in Romania...I also
witnessed the 1989
Revolution.....and my "escape"
happened much later, after the
year 2000, and the official name
is now "immigration". As legal immigrants
we have not been through any of
the ordeals of those who fled
Romania before 1989; yet, only
trying to adapt and adjust to life
in a New World has its own
ordeals. I had the same struggle
as you did with the accent in
English. The funny thing was that,
as a student, tourist,or visitor
in UK or US, I have never been
told that "you have an accent". I
have always been treated or
accepted by native speakers as a
"good/fluent non-native speaker of
English". Yet, after arriving
in Canada as a legal immigrant,
and after passing language tests
and interviews with excellent
scores, I had to face rejection
for a job interview because "I had
an accent". As a passionate of
linguistics, I read with great
interest and pleasure your story
about "hot dogs", as well as all
your stories about the impact of
the American culture on a
newcomer. Having seen only a
few other American cities before,
I can wholeheartedly agree with
you that Chicago is the BEST
American city. For me, as a
visitor to Chicago, it was love at
first sight. I am happy to have
now family living in Chicago, thus
having the opportunity to visit
more often. Should you ever be
available and willing to share
more of your knowledge and
love for Chicago, I would love to
meet you and talk to you. I was also impressed
and happy for you, when reading
your story about your first job in
Chicago at Enciclopaedia
Britannica. That was indeed
a great opportunity, and as we all
know, such opportunities are rare
or none nowadays. This is
especially true for newcomer
immigrants in Canada who have to
always start from "general labour"
or "no job", no matter what their
credentials, experience, or
qualifications are.....and ,sadly,
for many of them credentials
include Master degrees or
PhDs......but , well, this
is life.... My best wishes and
once again congrats for your
story....Hope to see the next
chapter(s) of your story, with the
cronological order from the 1970's
to date. Best regards, "Cora" FROM:
Gary E. Sims, born in
the USA. Kalman, Thank you for sharing
your story. I had just met a man
and his family at my daughters
school who escaped from Romania in
the 1980's. He shared his story
with me and it was very moving. In
looking up locations of his escape
I found your story. It was very
moving. We in America often take
for granted our freedom. To see
someone like you or my friend love
a country for what it offers even
in it's simplicity, is a
revelation as to how privileged we
really are to live in this
country. You have made me
appreciate my country even more.
Thank You. Gary E. Sims
Cadillac, MI 49601
DATED: January 2008
DATED: April 2008
Absolutely a beautiful story,
of Czech Moravian origin, as well
as Irish,Scot, and Several others.
DATED: June 2008
DATED: October 2009
DATED: November 2009
Loma Linda, CA
Thank you very much for your
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Graphic Design by Bratu Klim
PO Box 381797
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